Crowdfunding is a popular way to get a money-making project off the ground. With this popularity, the question becomes “is there still room for others who want to use crowdfunding to jump-start their businesses?”. The answer is yes, and Ideazon is the crowdfunding resource that uses a different approach to help you get funding, launch your product, and be successful!
What is Crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is not a new concept. Individuals have always donated funds to finance worthy projects. Fundraisers could be considered a form of crowdfunding, as people with common interests are willing to pool their money to generate enough funds to support those interests.
“Crowds” pool or donate money to pay for medical expenses, political campaigns, and other worthy causes. However, crowdfunding as discussed here is the innovative use of the Internet to reach persons interested in funding new business ventures through platforms like IndieGogo and Kickstarter. Ideazon takes crowdfunding to a whole new level by integrating marketing and other services to help businesses and entrepreneurs be successful.
What is Ideazon?
Ideazon is a crowdfunding organization that does the marketing work for the entrepreneur. Whether the target group is investors or consumers, getting the product or service in front of the right people is what Ideazon does. Ideazon’s crowdfunding consultants help aspiring business people evaluate their goals, and recommend strategies to reach those goals.
What People Say About Ideazon
According to reviews on websites like,, “The team at Ideazon is the top-ranked consultation organization in the business . . . With a success rate above 85 percent . . .”
People who have used Ideazon are the best judges of what it can do for entrepreneurs. One Ideazon user reported tripling his funding goal in 35 days. Another launched his business while still in high school, raising $25,000 to get his product to market. Others have been able to get a substantial number of pre-orders for products from crowdfunding backers, providing the ability to build demand-based businesses rather than using their own money to finance inventory. These are just a few examples of the effectiveness of Ideazon Crowdfunding.
Bank Loan or Crowdfunding
A bank may be hesitant to loan money to a small business that does not have a tangible or proven product. With crowdfunding the risk is spread across a crowd who has an interest in seeing a project succeed, making it easier to obtain startup funds.
Crowdfunding and Tech Ventures
The interest in anything tech makes a tech startup a great opportunity for Crowdfunding. For example, if the technology is an app, crowdfunders have the opportunity to take it for a “test drive,” and if it is successful, word will spread via social media and blogs, helping to increase visibility and sales. Having the “crowd’ beta test an app can lead to suggestions for improving the app to make it more effective.
Get to Know Ideazon
Individuals or groups who have products or services that they think could be successful with the financing and marketing expertise should take a look at what Ideazon has to offer. By following Ideazon on Facebook and Twitter and checking out the Ideazon blog on Medium, it is easy to keep up with the latest developments and successes. Additionally, the Ideazon website at helps potential Ideazon users see how its crowdfunding strategies can transform an idea into a successful, money-making business!