The mobile phone industry is one of the few business sectors that can truly be said to be booming these days, in spite of the recession which is biting so hard elsewhere; thus it is no surprise that new apps are being released all the time that allow users to play new games or perform different work or social functions on their phones and other mobile devices. These are some of the best new apps available for your device.
Zombies Run!
If you are most interested in apps that are game-based then this one, for the ever-popular iPhone, is a good new one to consider. While few people will consider a game centred around jogging as being particularly interesting to play, when you throw in the fact that you will be jogging very fast through a post-apocalyptic landscape while being pursued by zombies, things do tend to liven up a bit. The point of the game is to stay on your feet as long as you can and gather as many supplies for the city as possible. The app will cost £7.99 to download.
SmugMug Camera Awesome
Alternatively, if you want an app that is more of a social tool than an entertainment one, then this new camera app by SmugMug, and for the iPhone, is excellent value. It can be utilised to show a horizon level, to pre-record video and it allows you to focus the camera on one shot, while simultaneously setting exposure levels for another. It offers all standard camera functions alongside the ability to edit shots with framing, cropping and text-adding functions, provides plenty of presets and filters and also has the “Awesomize” button, which pretty much does to your pictures what it suggests.
Motors app
Finally if you want an app that is more practical or work-related, then this one from the online car database Motors, and for iPhone and iPad, is excellent value. It allows you to check out all of the new and used cars for sale on the site via your mobile device, while providing simple but effective search criteria to ensure you find the vehicle you need quickly.