Women in tech - infographic
Let’s just admit it – women rule in many areas of business and technology. Check this out: 56 percent of professional workforce are women; 55 percent of Twitter and Facebook users are women; Zynga social gaming players? 60 percent of them are women!
Unfortunately, the business tech world is still largely dominated by men. Ironically, most men think that companies have done enough in addressing diversity issues… on contrary, most women think companies are not that serious in addressing diversity – this is a perception gap need to be solved. But how?
Women Who Tech suggests that one of the most effective ways in bridging the gap is by proving to the world that women rule in tech world – partly via IT-related education. And women do catch up: Today, women hold more Bachelors and Graduate degrees than men; here’s a cool fact to add: 41 percent of Harvard’s Computer Science graduates are women – and growing rapidly.
…and entrepreneurs, both men and women… if you want your business to be more successful, consider to partner and hire women.
Fortune 500 companies with at least three women directors saw strong growth in many facets of the business – more than 53 percent increase in return on equity; 42 percent increase in return on sale; 66 percent increase in return on capital investment… in entrepreneurship? Ditto: 400 companies in Springboard portfolio are women-led, and 80 percent of companies are still in business today, raising $5 billion in equity financing, generating $4 billion in revenues and creating tens of thousands of new jobs.
Check out this infographic to help you better understand the trends…
Via Women Who Tech
So, I have to agree with Women Who Tech – businesses need to hire more women to be more successful. And, oh, I am a man and have been working with many smart women from more than 5 countries for years, so do consider my recommendation 🙂