Thanks for reading Biz Tech Rave’s very first blog post!
Unlike your typical “Hello World!” post, this post will talk about the background story of Biz Tech Rave – why we establish this small business technology blog (including why we choose to build a seemingly yet-another-tech-blog.) So, here they go:
Why we establish Biz Tech Rave
As a small business owner, it’s often difficult to get the right tips on the latest business technology. The updates I get is typically advertorial and to be honest with you, there’s too much advertorial we read in a day (just buy an business magazine – Entrepreneur,, and such, and you will see business tech ads and advertorial in many places on the publication: Business-grade printers and other equipments, cloud services, business service centers, business software, and many more.
We aim to turn those business tech ‘stuffs’ int a blog post, suggesting you which ‘stuffs’ we think will be beneficial for you and your small business.
Unlike many tech blog, we are not presenting small business tech news as it is – we share what we think about the news and cross-reference it with other sources, to give you a better insight on a particular topic in biz tech.
And yes, it’s all raves, as we don’t really do rants – too much rants in the blogosphere and I just don’t feel like I want to join the bandwagon:)
So – check us out often!
We also open for suggestions! Please share what you think about any business software and hardware, including apps and services and we’ll listen to you!
So, stay tuned, and be sure to check us out regularly as we will definitely be updated every day!